Saturday, November 6, 2010

An Anniversary Celebration in Jerusalem

For Rinah and Boaz’s wedding anniversary, they treated us to a fabulous tour and hotel stay in Jerusalem. They are both experienced tour guides, and are indeed presently on a tour with 19 travelers from Texas for two weeks. But our stay in Jerusalem was more than we could have ever anticipated. Most memorable was a “Light and Sound Show” in the Citadel of David, early evening. Just going into the citadel was such a cool event, but at dusk, as we were all seated on little folding chairs crowded together like sardines, the show began. There are no words to describe what we saw… some kind of projector used as a backdrop the stone walls of the citadel to tell the story of Israel, from the ancient beginnings to present day. The sounds were from the animals and people acting in the presentation as well as a great musical score. There was no narrative, as it was clear what was going on. Most amazing. Photos were not allowed, so if you’re ever in Jerusalem, make sure you see this… the best thing by far.

We also went into The Jerusalem Archeological Park (at the south end of the Temple Mount), where there were huge marble stones and parts of the Second Temple strewn about, when this temple was destroyed.

We also made a visit to the Western Wall where this little guy caught my attention, and Rinah and I went into the Women’s section to pray, and I stuck a little prayer for special friends inside a crevice of the wall. .

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